Content Distribution Definition

You’ve developed a great content strategy and created quality content. But what comes next? This is where „content distribution“ comes into play.

What is Content Distribution?

Content distribution refers to the process of disseminating and promoting your content across various platforms, channels, and formats to reach your target audience. It’s about putting your content where your audience will see it, hear it, or read it.

Content Distribution

Why is content distribution important?

Effective content distribution can help your content get seen by more people, which can ultimately lead to a higher conversion rate. Without a solid content distribution strategy, your valuable content could go undiscovered.

Types of content distribution

There are three main types of content distribution: owned media, earned media, and paid media.

Owned Media

Owned Media refers to all channels that you own and control. This includes your website, blog, email newsletters, and social media channels.

Earned Media

Earned media is any channel where other people or organizations share or report on your content. This could be through word of mouth or if an influencer or news site is covering you.

Paid media are all paid forms of advertising such as Google Ads, social media advertising or sponsored posts on blogs and websites.

The role of the target group in content distribution

To develop an effective content distribution strategy, you must first define your target audience. When you know who your ideal customers are and what kind of content they want to consume, you can make better decisions about where and how to distribute your content.

The link between content strategy and content distribution

Your content distribution strategy should be closely tied to your overall growth marketing strategy. By making sure your content appears in the right places and lands with the right people, you can increase reach and drive engagement.


„Content distribution“ is a crucial step in the growth marketing process. By understanding this practice, you can ensure that your valuable content doesn’t go undiscovered – but lands exactly where it’s needed: With your target audience!